
GRN4-610 Chapter 5: Maintenance 43 of 73
Dismounting the main bearings
Follow the steps below to dismount the main bearings.
1. Dismount the gearbox motor.
2. Pull the distance sleeve from the rotor axis.
3. Remove the rotor cover plates from the housing.
4. Screw in hooks/eye bolts on both shaft ends.
5. Hang the rotor from hooks/eye bolts on both shaft ends.
6. Remove the bearing housing mounting bolt.
7. Carefully lift out the complete rotor using suitable lifting equipment.
8. Place the rotor in a safe location (timber beams are recommended).
9. Loosen the bearings cover mounting screws and take off the bearing cover.
10. Pull the bearing housing off using a pulling-off device.
11. Pull the bearing off the rotor axis using a pulling-off device.
Mounting the main bearings
Thoroughly clean the bearing surfaces and the shaft surfaces and grease them lightly
before following the steps below to mount the main bearings.
1. Mount the bearing in bearing housing.
2. Attach the bearing with the bearing housing to the rotor axis.
3. Lift the rotor using suitable equipment; carefully place the rotor into the bearing
4. Attach the bearing housing to the bearing seats with screws.
5. Return the distance sleeve to the rotor axis.
6. Return the gearbox motor to the rotor axis.
7. Return the rotor cover plates.
8. Carry out a test run.
NOTE: The mounting forces must always engage the inner-ring or roller body
damage will result. The hardened bearing rings are sensitive to stressed
impact; never hit the rings directly with a hammer. It is recommended to
use a brass arbor or piping piece made from soft material. The bearing
should be put onto the shaft using light blows. When performing this task,
the force of pressure must be evenly distributed on the circumference of the
bearing ring.