- 13 -
Enrolling – Fingerprint
This chapter describes how to enroll and verify users on the TQ600.
The following topics are included:
z Fingerprint Enrollment Tips
z Enrolling User
z Testing an Enrollment
z Enrolling an Auxiliary Fingerprint of User
z Verifying Your Identity
Fingerprint Enrollment Tips
It is recommended that you use your index or middle finger for
enrollment. If the fingerprints on your preferred hand are worn or
damaged try using your other hand.
The TQ600 will require three (3) sample fingerprints to enroll a user.
Place your finger in the middle of the sensor. To ensure better
fingerprint reads take each fingerprint sample with slightly different
positioning; one centered, one rolled slightly to the left and the last
rolled slightly to the right. The different angles will help account for
different finger positioning during actual use.