Setting the Switch’s IP Address (IP Version 6)
- PROBE - A reachability confirmation is actively sought by resending neighbor
solicitation messages every RetransTimer interval until confirmation of
reachability is received.
- ???? - Unknown state.
The following states are used for static entries:
- INCMP (Incomplete) -The interface for this entry is down.
- REACH (Reachable) - The interface for this entry is up. Reachability detection
is not applied to static entries in the IPv6 neighbor discovery cache.
• VLAN – VLAN interface from which the address was reached.
Adding Static Neighbors (IPv6 Neighbor -- Add)
• IPv6 Address – The IPv6 address of a neighbor device that can be reached
through one of the network interfaces configured on this switch. You can specify
either a link-local or global unicast address formatted according to RFC 2373 “IPv6
Addressing Architecture,” using 8 colon-separated 16-bit hexadecimal values. One
double colon may be used in the address to indicate the appropriate number of
zeros required to fill the undefined fields.
• VLAN – VLAN ID (Range: 1-4093)
• Hardware Address – The 48-bit MAC layer address for the neighbor device. This
address must be formatted as six hexadecimal pairs separated by hyphens.