7. Position the pipette tip to dispense and
press the Start Button. The unit will
dispense the second 1.00mL aliquot.
The following display indicates that unit
is ready to dispense the third of the
three 1.00mL aliquots.
8. Position the pipette tip to dispense and
press the Start Button. The unit will
dispense the third 1.00mL aliquot.
The following display indicates that unit
is ready to perform a new repeat
dispensing series.
9. Eject the disposable tip and repeat the
series beginning with Step 4.
Pipettor Programming
Pipettor Programming
1mL Pipetting
1. Press repeatedly until the
display reads:
2. Press to enter selection.
3. Attach a pipette tip to the tip cone.
The pipettor is now ready to aspirate
4. Place the tip in the sample and press
the Start Button. The unit will aspirate
The next display indicates that the unit
is ready to dispense the total volume
(1mL) with blowout.
5. Position the pipette tip to dispense and
press the Start Button. The unit will
dispense the full amount from the tip.
The display now indicates that the unit
is ready to repeat the 1mL pipetting,
beginning with the 1.00mL aspiration.
Page 8 of 15 - June 2001