Concord 11
1. Repeat the above procedure substituting the bypassed sensor number or,
2. Close bypassed doors and/or windows and arm your system again.
Bypassing a Sensor Indirectly
Use this method if you are arming the system and would like to bypass doors and windows
already open.
To bypass sensors indirectly:
1. Leave open only those doors and windows that are to remain open. Close all others.
2. Arm your system to the desired level. The touchpad emits protest beeps and displays “PRO-
TEST,” because of the open sensor(s).
3. At any touchpad. press
# (Bypass). Touchpads with displays show, “BYPASSED ZONES
01,” or “SENSOR 01 BYPASSED,” for example.
4. The system sounds arming level beeps to indicate that the system is armed and open sensors
have been successfully bypassed.
To arm (unbypass) bypassed sensors:
1. Close bypassed doors and/or windows.
2. Arm your system again.
To bypass sensors indirectly using a keychain touchpad:
1. Press the button once to arm the system and again to bypass open sensors.
Was the Bypass Successful?
To confirm whether or not a sensor was bypassed:
1. Press the Status button on the touchpad. (* is labeled Status.)
Touchpads list bypassed sensors or zones.
Basic Light Control
There are two kinds of light control:
• Basic light control, offering instant light control at any touchpad, and
• Advanced light control, in which lights turn on and off automatically according to specific sit-
uations. (See “Advanced Light Control”).
To turn all lights on or off:
1. From any touchpad: Press 0 + 0.
From a 4-button keychain touchpad: Press the Lights button.
For system lights to respond
to basic and advanced light
commands, the light
switches must be turned on.
To turn a specific light on or off*:
1. From any touchpad: Press 0 + light number.
From a 4-button keychain touchpad:
You cannot turn on a specific light using a keychain touchpad.
Refer to the User Sheets in Appendix A to determine which light number is associated with
which lamp.
Basic Output Control
Panel output points control the hardware installed on your system. These outputs are usually con-
figured to turn on automatically in response to certain events.
Your installer may have configured your system so that you can control some output points from
your touchpad. Have the installer list and explain any outputs that are programmed for your con-
trol. Use the following procedure to turn an output on or off.
To turn the output on or off: