
be able to communicate with/configure the NAT Router via the Command Line interface.
Enabled Overall NAT capability in Router
After the InternalRange and ExternalRange, Enabled is probably the most important keyword
in this section. It allows the router to perform Network Address Translations between the
internal and External Networks. The default value is Off. The router will not "NAT" if
Enabled is Off.
[ NAT Mapping ]
The one−to−one translation pairs of the NAT Map Database are entered with the edit config
rather than the configure command. These pairs allow the user to provide access from the
Internet/External Network to selected parts of the NAT Internal Network, such as a Web
server, as was previously shown in the NAT "SHOW" COMMANDS section.
Nat_2220> edit config nat mapping
Enter Password: <Entered password>
Editing "[ NAT Mapping ]"...
1: [ NAT Mapping ]
2: −>
End of buffer
Edit [ NAT Mapping ]> ?
Available Editor Commands:
Append Append lines into the buffer
Delete Delete a line from the buffer
Print Print a range of lines
List Print a range of lines
(Non printing characters printed unambiguously)
Help Print this message
Quit Leave the editor (ignoring changes)
Exit Leave the editor (saving changes)
Edit [ NAT Mapping ]> append
Enter lines at the prompt. To terminate input, enter
a . on a line all by itself.
Append> −>
Append> .
Edit [ NAT Mapping ]> exit
Saving section...
Checking syntax...
Section checked successfully.
*Nat_2220# save
Save configuration to flash and restart device? y
(Router will restart)
The NAT Map Database one−to−one translation pair is always entered with the internal IP
address first, followed by a space, followed by a "
" (a single equals sign "=" could be used
instead), followed by a space, followed by the IP address all external/Internet users will
The router will check the syntax of the entered one−to−one pair for correctness. The IP
addresses are parsed in the same way as IP addresses are parsed in the add ip route
command, described in the ip route (add) section of the Text−Based Configuration and
Command Line Reference Guide.
After rebooting, the NAT Map Database would look like...