display service-profile 359
WEP Key 3 value State of static WEP key number 3:
none — The key is not configured.
preset — The key is configured.
WEP Key 4 value State of static WEP key number 4:
none — The key is not configured.
preset — The key is configured.
WEP Unicast Index Index of the static WEP key used to encrypt unicast traffic on
an encrypted SSID.
WEP Multicast Index Index of the static WEP key used to encrypt multicast traffic
on an encrypted SSID.
Shared Key Auth Indicates whether shared-key authentication is enabled.
WPA enabled
RSN enable
Indicates that the Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) information
element (IE) is enabled. Additional fields display the settings
of other WPA parameters:
ciphers — Lists the WPA cipher suites advertised by
radios in the radio profile mapped to this service profile.
authentication — Lists the authentication methods
supported for WPA or RSN clients:
802.1X — dynamic authentication
PSK — preshared key authentication
TKIP countermeasures time — Indicates the amount of
time (in ms) MSS enforces countermeasures following a
second message integrity code (MIC) failure within a
60-second period.
Note: These fields are displayed only when the WPA IE or
RSN IE is enabled.
These are examples of authorization attributes that are
applied by default to a user accessing the SSID managed by
this service profile (in addition to any attributes assigned to
the user by a RADIUS server or the local database).
Attributes are listed here only if they have been configured
as default attribute settings for the service profile.
See Table 44 on page 262 for a list of authorization
attributes and values that can be assigned to network users.
Table 70 Output for display service-profile (continued)
Field Description