LAN Emulation 41
Eliminating Bridge
Loops in ELAN
When configuring more than one LEC in a LANplex 2500 or
CoreBuilder 2500 system, a bridge loop may be created. This possibility
exists because the LANplex can bridge between all ports, including logical
bridge ports (LECs). Because the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is off by
default, we recommend following this procedure when you create
multiple LECs with Intelligent Switching software:
After you define all LECs, at the Enable State prompt, enter enable
Enable STP. From the top level of the Administration Console, enter:
bridge stpState enabled
Reboot the system.
The system adds the LECs to the bridge table.
Configuring Clients to
Join an Existing
Emulated LAN
You can configure a LAN Emulation Client (LEC) to join an existing 802.3
emulated LAN by providing information about the LAN Emulation Server
(LES) and the Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS).
Defining LAN Emulation Clients
When you define a LAN Emulation Client, you give information necessary
for a client to be included in the emulated LAN. A BUS and a LES must
already be defined as part of the emulated LAN before you can define a
When the client attempts to join the emulated LAN, some of the
configured information is carried along with the join request sent to the
LES. The LES can alter this information. The client then has the option of
accepting or rejecting any changes made by the LES. If the changes are
accepted or if there are no changes, the client successfully joins the
emulated LAN. Otherwise, the join fails.
To define a client:
From the top level of the Administration Console, enter:
atm lane define
Enter the number of the ATM port to which the client is attached.
You can attach only one client per port to the same emulated LAN.