This guide describes several issues related to making the VCX V7000 IP
Telephony System more secure.
This guide is intended for equipment installers and system administrators
who have a thorough understanding of telecommunications, VoIP
technology, Linux operating systems, Oracle databases, networks, and
system administrator privileges.
If release notes are shipped with your product and the information there
differs from the information in this guide, follow the instructions in the
release notes.
Most user guides and release notes are available in Adobe Acrobat
Reader Portable Document Format (PDF) or HTML on the 3Com
Wide Web site:
Conventions Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Description
Information note Information that describes important features or
Caution Information that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, system, or device
Warning Information that alerts you to potential personal injury