Change 2D/3D display / Turn on 2D display
When should I use this?
In some situations, it is easier to see the map from above. Perhaps if the road
network is complicated or for times when you are walking while using your
ONE to navigate.
Name preferences
Change Home location
Do I need to use my actual home address for the Home location?
No. Your Home location can be a place you go often, for example, your office.
It can be your actual home address, but it can also be any address you like.
Why should I set a Home location?
Having a Home location means that you have a quick and easy way to navigate
there, by tapping the Home button in the Navigate to... menu
Turn on 2D
Tap Turn on 2D display to change the perspective for viewing the map.
For example, the 2D view shows a two dimensional view of the map as
though viewed from above.
Change 2D/3D
To switch the view to a three dimensional perspective, tap Change 2D/3D
display and select a view from the list.
Tap this button to set the information that is shown on the map in the
Driving View. The following options are available:
• Show house number before street name
• Show street names - if you are using a computer voice for spoken
instructions and have selected that street names should be read aloud,
you do not need to select this option, since the street names will be read
aloud even though this option is not selected.
• Show next highway / signpost - when this option is selected, the next
major road on your route is shown at the top of the screen in the Driving
• Show current street name on map
Change Home
Tap this button to set or change your Home location.