To Set Cruising Speed
Turn on the cruise control system by push-
ing the “ON/OFF” switch (1). Accelerate to
the desired speed and push the “SET/
COAST” switch (3). Take your foot off the
accelerator pedal and the set speed will be
With the cruise control on, you can
increase speed for passing by using the
accelerator pedal. When you take your foot
off the pedal, your vehicle will return to the
set speed.
To Change Cruising Speed
To reset the cruise control to a slower
speed, press repeatedly or hold in the
“SET/COAST” switch (3) until the vehicle
has slowed to the desired speed, then
release the switch. The new speed will be
To reset the cruise control to a faster
speed, use either of the following proce-
• Press repeatedly or hold in the “RES/
ACC” switch (4). Vehicle speed will
steadily increase. When you release the
switch, the new speed will be main-
• Accelerate to the desired speed using
the accelerator pedal and push the
“SET/COAST” switch (3). The new
speed will be maintained.
To Cancel
To cancel cruise control operation, use one
of the following procedures:
• Slightly depress the brake pedal or
clutch pedal, or push the “CANCEL”
switch (2). Cruise control operation will
be canceled until you reset a cruising
speed by pushing the “SET/COAST”
switch (3) or “RES/ACC” switch (4).
• Push the “ON/OFF” switch (1). Cruise
control operation will be canceled until
you turn on the system by pushing the
“ON/OFF” switch (1) again and reset a
cruising speed by pushing the “SET/
COAST” switch (3).
Cruise control operation will also be can-
celed any time the vehicle speed falls
below 40 km/h (25 mph).
To “Resume” a Previously Set
After canceling cruise control operation
without turning off the “ON/OFF” switch
(1), you can “resume” a previously set
speed, by holding the “RES/ACC” switch
(4) for about one second. When you
release the switch, the vehicle will acceler-
ate to and maintain the previously set
If the “ON/OFF” switch (1) is turned off, the
set speed in the memory is cleared and
you can not use the Resume feature. In
this case, reset your CRUISE speed.