
RoyalTek Confidential
RDR-3100 User Manual
8. SW Protocol
8.1 GPS output Protocol
The communication settings:
Baud rate: 38400, n, 8, 1
The UARTA will output GPS NMEA 0183 V3.0 protocol and RoyalTek DR protocol.
There are 4 type sentence will output as the follow table:
Table 1-1 NMEA-0183 Output Messages
NMEA Record Description
GGA Global positioning system fixed data
GSA GNSS DOP and active satellites
GSV GNSS satellites in view
RMC Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
The RoyalTek DR protocols are NMEA like protocol to show the DR navigation and
calibration information.
8.1.1 RoyalTek DR protocol RTOEM,3
This sentence contains the navigation and calibration information of DR.
The protocol is illustrated as follows:
Item Field Description
1 $ Beginning of sentence
2 RTOEM Message Header
3 3 Message ID
4 GPS validated Number of SV in use > 3 = 1, other is 0
5 Gyro Calibrate Status 1.Gyro already calibrated /0: Gyro not calibrated
6 Odometer Calibrate
1: Odometer already calibrated /0: Odometer not
7 Gyro Input Status 1: Gyro Input available / 0: Gyro Input not available
8 Odometer Input Status 1: Odometer Input available 0: Odometer Input not
9 MCU Read Count The count of data read count from MCU
10 Odometer Input Source 1: CAN BUS / 0: Vehicles Odometer PWM
11 DR position status 4: Initial Status /3: GPS Fix /2:DR Mode
12 Backward Status 1: Activated / 0: Normal
13 Antenna Detecting 1: Available / 0: Abort
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