2.2 By Bluetooth (Method A)
2.2.1 Using stack Toshiba
Before you begin:
• Download the upgrade you wish to install.
Make sure that your Bluetooth device is correctly installed on
your computer (refer to its user guide for additional
1. Start the carkit to upgrade: select the Settings menu, then select the Software update
menu by turning the central knob.
A PIN code will be displayed : memorise this PIN code.
2. Launch a Bluetooth devices search with the software provided with your Bluetooth dongle or
with the Windows Bluetooth manager. To do so :
a. Right click on the Bluetooth icon on the toolbar
b. Select Add New Connection.
► The following window is displayed.
c. Select Custom Mode and click Next. The devices available are displayed
3. Select your Parrot 3200LS device to start the service discovery.
► The following window is displayed.