Architecture Flow Description
care facility status Information regarding facility type and capabilities, facility status, and its ability
to admit new patients.
care facility status request Request for information regarding care facility availability and status.
citation Report of commercial vehicle citation. The citation includes references to the
statute(s) that was (were) violated. It includes information on the violator and
the officer issuing the citation. A citation differs from a violation because it is
adjudicated by the courts. The information may be provided as a response to
a real-time query or proactively by the source. The query flow is not explicitly
credentials information Response containing full vehicle fuel tax and registration credentials
information. "Response" may be provided in reaction to a real-time query or a
standing request for updated information. The query flow is not explicitly
credentials status information Credentials information such as registration, licensing, insurance, check flags,
and electronic screening enrollment data. A unique identifier is included.
Corresponds to the credentials portion of CVISN "snapshots." The status
information may be provided as a response to a real-time query or as a result
of a standing request for updated information (subscription). This may also
include information about non-U.S. fleets for use by U.S. authorities, and
information regarding U.S. fleets made available to Mexican and Canadian
authorities. The query flow is not explicitly shown.
current asset restrictions Restrictions levied on transportation asset usage based on infrastructure
design, surveys, tests, or analyses. This includes standard facility design
height, width, and weight restrictions, special restrictions such as spring weight
restrictions, and temporary facility restrictions that are imposed during
maintenance and construction.
CVO driver initialization This flow represents the tactile or auditory interface with ITS equipment
containing the commercial vehicle driver and vehicle information. This flow
contains inquiries to the commercial vehicle managing system.
CVO pass/pull-in message This flow represents the visual or auditory interface with ITS equipment
containing a message sent to commercial vehicle driver indicating whether to
bypass or requesting pull in to inspection/verification stop along with
inspection results (e. g., LED indicator on transponder or variable message
daily site activity data Record of daily activities at commercial vehicle check stations including
summaries of screening events and inspections.
decision support information Information provided to support effective and safe incident response, including
local traffic, road, and weather conditions, hazardous material information, and
the current status of resources that have been allocated to an incident.
demand response passenger and use data Data collected on board a demand response vehicle relating to the picking up
and discharging of passengers.
demand responsive transit plan Plan regarding overall demand responsive transit schedules and deployment.
demand responsive transit request Request for paratransit support.
driver information General advisory and traffic control information provided to the driver while en
driver parking information Presentation of general parking information to drivers including lot status,
parking availability, and directions to available spaces, entrances, and exits.
electronic screening request Request for identification data to support electronic screening.
emergency archive data Logged emergency information including information that characterizes
identified incidents (routine highway incidents through disasters),
corresponding incident response information, evacuation information,
surveillance data, threat data, and resource information. Content may include
a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and
associated meta data that describes the archived information.
emergency dispatch requests Emergency vehicle dispatch instructions including incident location and
available information concerning the incident.
emergency dispatch response Request for additional emergency dispatch information and provision of en
route status.
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Architecture Flow Descriptions