2011 NISSAN Towing Guide
If you are buying a travel or boat trailer, be sure that your NISSAN vehicle has the towing
capacity to pull it. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for detailed information regarding the
towing capacity of your specific vehicle. Your vehicle owner’s manual should ALWAYS be
referenced before making any towing decisions.
Naturally, you will want to buy the highest-quality equipment you can find for maximum
towing safety. And if you plan to tow often, consider convenience. Quick-disconnect trailer
light connectors and ratchet-type tie-downs, for example, make the job go faster and easier
and are usually worth the extra small investment. Purchase towing items such as hitches and
hitch balls only from your NISSAN dealer or a professional supplier of towing equipment.
If you are intending to use your vehicle to tow a trailer you already own, you must ensure
that your loaded trailer remains well within your vehicle's towing capacity as specified in the
vehicle owner's manual. In addition, you should purchase the right type, style, and class* of
hitch and towing equipment to properly adapt the trailer to your vehicle.
Towing requires a variety of equipment, and, depending upon the application, there can be
several types or styles of each piece of equipment. Working with your NISSAN dealer or a
professional supplier of towing equipment, it should be relatively simple to determine the
proper type of equipment for your specific vehicle given the intended application. This section
explains the most common pieces of towing equipment available.
Whichever type of hitch you use, it should be firmly bolted to your vehicle, and should be of
the appropriate weight class for the equipment you intend to tow. In addition, keep the
following in mind:
Do not modify the vehicle’s brake or exhaust systems or its body structure/frame when
installing the hitch.
* Refer to your owner’s manual for the equipment class information specific to your vehicle.