MQ SP4030 SAW • OPERATION MANUAL — REV. #0 (01/22/09) — PAGE 23
Proper blade selection is a product of:
Understanding the capability of your saw
Understanding the specifications of the engine
Understanding the blade shaft speed of your saw
Understanding diamond blade operating limitations
The depth of cut required
Cutting conditions
Desired cutting performance requirements
Engine (RPM) and Surface Feet per Minute (SFPM)
This saw uses a belt drive system to propel the diamond
blade. Specifically sized engine drive and blade shaft
pulleys, engine (RPM) and blade diameter determine the
ultimate peripheral speed (SFPM) of the diamond blade. It
is important to understand the SFPM speed — For safety
and performance, it is essential that the selected
diameter diamond blade be matched up to a proper
SFPM. See Table 8.
Four 4030 models are available (403016, 403020, 403026,
403030), and are designed with different pulley ratio speeds
to govern the blade shaft RPM output. The combination of
the different diameters of the pulleys along with engine
(RPM) determines this ratio that ultimately provides a RPM
speed at the blade shaft (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Blade Shaft Ratios