Problem Cause Remedy
Engine Fails to start Engine flooded1.
Spark plug wire disconnected2.
Fuel tank empty or stale fuel3.
Engine not choked4.
Faulty spark plug5.
Throttle in stop position6.
Wait at least 10 minutes before starting1.
Connect wire to spark plug2.
Fill tank with clean, fresh gasoline3.
Choke engine4.
Clean, adjust gap or replace5.
Move throttle to FAST/Run position6.
Engine runs erratically Spark plug wire loose1.
Spark plug scorched, defective or electrode 2.
gap is set incorrectly
Stale fuel3.
Engine running with choke on4.
Water or dirt in fuel system5.
Connect and tighten spark plug wire1.
Re-adjust electrode gap or change 2.
Fill tank with clean, fresh gasoline3.
Move choke to off4.
Drain fuel tank. Refill with fresh fuel5.
Engine overheats Engine oil level low1. Fill engine with proper amount of engine oil1.