GB 8
For PDA’s with built-in Bluetooth® wireless technology (Example:
HP iPAQ hw6515d)
1. Refer to the user manual of your PDA to enable the Bluetooth® wireless technology to
be able to connect to the Genius GPS01 connector. Select “Genius GPS01” Bluetooth®
device with SPP slave service. Some PDA’s may ask for the Bluetooth® passkey. The
Bluetooth® passkey is “1111”.
2. Check the number of the COM port used by Bluetooth® (For example: with the iPAQ it
could be the input port COM8).
3. Run the suitable navigation software and select the corresponding Bluetooth® device
(or COM port).
GPS Chipset SiRF Star III
Frequency 1575.42MHz
Channels 20
Tracking sensitivity -159dBm
Update rate 1Hz
Operating temperature range -10...60°C
Protocol NMEA 0183
m_GPSNavigation_GB.indd 8m_GPSNavigation_GB.indd 8 27.04.2006 13:13:1427.04.2006 13:13:14