Fluid Ford Part Name Capacity
Rear axle lubricant
Motorcraft SAE
80W-90 Premium Rear
Axle Lubricant
1.8L (3.75 pints)
Windshield washer
Ultra-Clear Windshield
Washer Concentrate
Fill to line on reservoir
Use only brake fluids certified to meet Ford specifications. Refer to
Lubricant Specifications in this chapter. DOT 3 fluid is recommended.
However, if DOT 3 is not available, DOT 4 fluid can be used.
Ensure the correct automatic transmission fluid is used. MERCON and
MERCON V are not interchangeable. DO NOT MIX MERCON and
MERCON V. Refer to the scheduled maintenance guide to determine
the correct service interval.
Indicates only approximate dry-fill capacity. Some applications may vary
based on cooler size and if equipped with an in-tank cooler. The amount
of transmission fluid and fluid level should be set by the indication on
the dipstick’s normal operating range. Police or Handling Package refill
capacity-12.1L (12.8 quarts).
Add the coolant type originally equipped in your vehicle.
Rear axles are considered lubricated for life when the vehicle is used for
normal service. See your scheduled maintenance guide for Severe Duty
Traction-Lok axles use 1.6-1.8L (3.50-3.75 pints) of rear axle lubricant.
Add 118 ml (4 oz.) of Additive Friction Modifier C8AZ-19B546-A or
equivalent meeting Ford specification EST-M2C118–A for complete refill
of Traction-Lok rear axle.
Service refill capacities are determined by filling the rear axle 6 mm to
14 mm (1/4 inch to 9/16 inch) below the bottom of the filler hole.
Maintenance and Specifications