Mercedes-Benz E350 Automobile User Manual

Connecting your life.
Stay in touch with mbrace. Your vehicle is more than a source of enjoyment, it’s a vital part of everyday living.
The optional Mercedes‑Benz mbrace
system can make it easier — from planning a trip, to remembering where you
parked, to handling an unexpected emergency.
You can access a world of security, convenience and destination
planning services from your vehicle, your computer or even your smartphone. With advanced, reliable technology,
plus 24‑hour support from helpful experts, mbrace helps keep you, your life and your Mercedes‑Benz connected.
From your smartphone. The mbrace Mobile Application
for your iPhone
or BlackBerry
lets you locate your vehicle
from up to a mile away, remote‑lock or unlock its doors,
and contact Roadside Assistance, Customer Service or
even Mercedes‑Benz Financial with a touch.
From your computer. Beyond the support you’ll find
at, the Search & Send feature lets
you look up destinations on Google
Maps using any web
browser. You can then send the address directly to your
vehicle’s navigation system with just a few clicks.
From your vehicle. Three buttons inside your Mercedes‑
Benz can connect you to emergency services, our 24‑hour
Customer Assistance Center, or our Roadside Assistance
Numerous mbrace services are also integrated
with your vehicle’s optional COMAND navigation system.
Please see endnotes at back of brochure.