The first 1000 miles (1500 km)
Vehicle equipment
This Operator’s Manual describes all fea-
tures, standard or optional, potentially
available for your vehicle at the time of pur-
chase. Please be aware that your vehicle
might not be equipped with all features
described in this manual.
The first 1000 miles (1500 km)
The more cautiously you treat your vehicle
during the break-in period, the more satisfied
you will be with its performance later on.
Drive your vehicle during the first
1 000 miles (1 500 km) at varying but mod-
erate vehicle and engine speeds.
During this period, avoid heavy loads (full
throttle driving) and excessive engine
speeds (no more than
of maximum rpm
in each gear).
Vehicles with automatic transmission:
Select C as the preferred shift program
(Y page 102) for the first 1 000 miles
(1 500 km).
Do not attempt to slow the vehicle down
by shifting to a lower gear using the gear
selector lever.
Select gear ranges 3, 2 or 1
(Y page 101) only when driving at mod-
erate speeds (for hill driving).
Avoid accelerating by kickdown.
Vehicles with manual transmission:
Shift gears in a timely manner.
After 1 000 miles (1 500 km) you may gradu-
ally increase vehicle and engine speeds to the
permissible maximum.
Additional instructions for AMG vehicles:
During the first 1 000 miles (1 500 km),
do not exceed a speed of 85 mph
(140 km/h).
During this period, avoid engine speeds
above 4 500 rpm in each gear.
Shift gears in a timely manner.
All of the above instructions, as may apply to
your vehicle type, also apply when driving the
first 1 000 miles (1 500 km) after the engine
or the rear differential has been replaced.
Always obey applicable speed limits.