Mercedes-Benz 2006 CL 600 Automobile User Manual

Practical hints
Replacing SmartKey batteries
4 Battery
5 Contact spring
̈ Remove the batteries 4 in the direc-
tion of arrow.
̈ Using a lint-free cloth, insert new
batteries 4 under the contact
spring 5 with the positive terminal (+)
side facing up.
̈ Return battery compartment 3
page 376) into housing until it locks
into place.
̈ Slide mechanical key 1 ( page 372)
back into the SmartKey.
̈ Check the operation of the SmartKey.
SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO*
Replacement battery: Lithium, type
CR 2025 or equivalent.
̈ Remove the mechanical key out of the
SmartKey with KEYLESS-GO
page 372).
̈ Remove battery compartment 3 out
of the housing (
page 376).
1 Battery
2 Tilt battery up
3 Mechanical key
̈ Using mechanical key 3, apply pres-
sure to position 2.
Battery 1 tilts up slightly.
̈ Pull out battery 1 in the direction of
̈ Using a lint-free cloth, insert new
battery 1 with the plus (+) side facing
̈ Return battery compartment 3
page 376) into housing until it locks
into place.
̈ Slide mechanical key 1 (page 376)
back into the SmartKey with
̈ Check the operation of KEYLESS-GO.