269Tires, Wheels
and controls
Operation Driving
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Practical hints Car care Index
The pressures listed for light loads are minimum values
offering high driving comfort.
Increased inflation pressures listed for heavier loads
may also be used for light loads. These higher pressures
produce favorable handling characteristics. The ride of
the vehicle, however, will be somewhat harder. Never
exceed the max. values or inflate tires below the min.
values listed in the fuel filler flap.
Tire temperature and pressure increase with the vehicle
speed. Tire pressure should therefore only be checked
and corrected on cold tires. Correct tire pressure in
warm tires only if pressure has dropped below the
pressure listed in the table and the respective operating
conditions are taken into consideration.
An underinflated tire due to a slow leak (e.g. due to a
nail in the tire) may cause damage such as tread
separation, bulging etc.. Regular tire pressure checks
(including the spare tire) at intervals of no more than
14 days are therefore essential.
If a tire constantly loses air, it should be inspected for
The spare tire should be checked periodically for
condition and inflation. Spare tire will age and become
worn over time even if never used, and thus should be
inspected and replaced when necessary.
Do not overload the tires by exceeding the specified
vehicle capacity weight (as indicated by the label
on the driver’s door latch post). Overloading the
tires can overheat them, possibly causing a
Follow recommended inflation pressures.
Do not overinflate tires. Overinflated tires can
result in sudden deflation (blowout) because they
are more likely to become punctured or damaged
by road debris, potholes etc.
Do not underinflate tires. Underinflated tires wear
unevenly, adversely affect handling and fuel
economy, and are more likely to fail from being