Mercedes-Benz 2001 ML 320 Automobile User Manual

208Driving systems
and controls
Operation Driving
cluster display
Practical hints Car care Index
If one drive wheel loses traction and begins to spin, the
brake is applied until the wheel regains sufficient
Avoid spinning of one drive wheel. This may cause
serious damage to the drive train which is not covered
by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
The ESP warning lamp, located in the speedometer dial,
starts to flash at any vehicle speed as soon as the tires
lose traction and the wheels begin to spin.
To return to the enhanced vehicle stability offered by
ESP: press lower half of the switch (the ESP warning
lamp in the speedometer dial goes out).
If the ESP warning lamp flashes:
during take-off, apply as little throttle as possible,
while driving, ease up on the accelerator.
During off-road driving a special low range system for
the electronic stability program (ESP) is operational
with transmission in LOW RANGE mode, see page 211.
In the LOW RANGE mode the electronic stability
program (ESP) operates in a traction improving fashion
specifically adapted for off-road driving. At speeds
below 27 mph (45 km /h) the ESP assists in over-/
understeering, thus improving vehicle tracking.