Fast Forwarding and Reversing
Fast Forwarding
Hold down toward [¢] with the Control knob.
Release to resume the playback.
Hold down toward [4] with the Control knob.
Release to resume the playback.
• There is no sound while the Audio file is being searched.
• The accurate track time is not displayed during fast
forwarding or reversing of the Audio file.
Track/File Search
Searching for a song on the disc or in the Audio file
Push the Control knob towards [4] or [¢].
Function of disc changer/ Audio file
Disc Search/Folder Search
Selecting the disc set in the Disc changer or the
folder recorded on the Audio file media.
Push the Control knob towards [FM] or [AM].
Track/File/Disc/Folder Repeat
Replaying the song, disc in the Disc changer or
Audio file folder you are listening to.
Press the [REP] button.
Each time you press the button, the Repeat Play
alternates between the modes shown in the tables
In CD & External disc source
Repeat play Display
Track Repeat "TRAC REP"
Disc Repeat (In Disc Changer) "DISC REP"
In Audio file source
Repeat play Display
File Repeat "FILE REP"
Folder Repeat "FOLD REP"
Scan Play
Playing the first part of each song on the disc or
Audio file folder you are listening to and searching
for the song you want to hear.
1 Start Scan Play
Press the [SCAN] button.
"TRAC SCN"/"FILE SCN"/"SCAN ON" is displayed.
2 Release it when the song you want to listen to
is played
Press the [SCAN] button.