miles or 3 months, whichever comes first)
Premium Maintenance is an Infiniti-
recommended option that is suitable for
driving habits and local conditions.
Infiniti developed Premium Maintenance
for owners who want the ultimate in
preventative maintenance. With Premium
Maintenance, more
maintenance items are
regularly checked or replaced than with
either Schedule 1 or Schedule 2
maintenance schedules.
Using the Premium Maintenance schedule
may optimize the performance, reliability,
and resale value of your vehicle.
Depending on your driving habits and local conditions, you should follow one of the three maintenance schedules listed below.
Use these guidelines to determine which maintenance schedule to use:
SCHEDULE 1 (Every 3,750 miles or
3 months, whichever comes first)
Schedule 1 features the same 3,750-mile
service intervals as Premium Maintenance;
however, with Schedule 1 fewer
items are regularly checked or replaced than
with the Premium Maintenance schedule. Use
Schedule 1 if you primarily operate your vehicle
under any of these conditions:
• Repeated short trips of less than 5 miles in
normal temperatures or less than 10 miles in
freezing temperatures
• Stop-and-go traffic in hot weather or low-
speed driving for long distances
• Driving in dusty conditions or on rough,
muddy, or salt-spread roads
• Towing a trailer, or using a camper
or car-top carrier
SCHEDULE 2 (Every 7,500 miles or 6
months, whichever comes first)
Schedule 2 features 7,500-mile
service intervals; with Schedule 2
maintenance items are regularly
checked or replaced than with
Schedule 1.
Generally, Schedule 2 applies only to
highway driving in temperate
conditions. Use Schedule 2 only if you
primarily operate your vehicle under
conditions other than those listed in
Schedule 1.
* Premium Maintenance is an Infiniti-recommended
option; however, owners need not perform such
maintenance in order to maintain the warranties which
come with their Infiniti.
Premium Maintenance may not be available outside
the United States, please inquire of your dealer.