Husqvarna Professional Products, Inc.
7349 Statesville Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28269
• This manual is to be used only for identification and ordering of service parts. Be sure to read and use
the maintenance and service manual before attempting any vehicle repairs.
This manual covers HUV 4214, HUV 4414 and HUV 4414-XP gasoline vehicles.
The manual is divided into sections. Note that there are two or three flags on the outside edge of each page. The
first flag contains the section number of which that page is a part. The other flag (or flags) contains the letter D, E, or
G, signifying that the page pertains to the diesel, electric, or gasoline vehicles only.
Use the Table of Contents to find the sections and pages that contain the parts and assemblies you seek. The Table
of Contents lists section numbers, and under them, the individual page titles and numbers to be found in that
section. The index can be used to find specific parts and assemblies. The index is divided into numerical and
alphabetical listings with the page numbers in italic text.
There is a two-page spread for each individual page title in the Table of Contents. On the left-hand page is an
illustration showing the parts in their relative positions; the parts are each tagged with an item number in a balloon.
The right-hand page is the parts list page, and gives the page title at the top, then the item numbers (corresponding
to the numbers on the illustration), part descriptions, and quantity of parts used.
Note that a part description may be indented. This indention corresponds to a parts assembly level indicated by the
numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 at the top left corner of the parts description area of the parts list page. A part that is indented
to level 2 is a component of the level 1 part (assembly) that it is listed under. A level 3 part is a component of the level
2 part that it is listed under, and a level 4 part is a component of the level 3 part preceding it. In each case, the part
quantity given for a level 2, 3, or 4 part is the quantity used per next higher level assembly of which it is a component. A
part that is not indented is a level 1 part. This means that the quantity given is the quantity used per the portion of
the vehicle illustrated on that particular spread.
Replacement parts and accessories can be obtained from our network of authorized dealers and distributors. For
the name and address of the Husqvarna representative nearest you, logon to our web site at
www.usa.husqvarna.com. If you would prefer to write to us, direct your letter to: Husqvarna, Attention: Marketing
Services, 7349 Statesville Rd., Charlotte, NC 28269 USA. Your local authorized Husqvarna representative can also
provide technical advice, parts, and service manuals.