To Select Readouts:
1. Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode, then highlight Select Readouts
on the Setup main menu.
2. Use the RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control key to initiate this procedure.
3. The Select Readouts submenu will appear, showing a list of all Readouts. Use
the UP or DOWN Cursor keys to select a particular Readout position, then
use the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to change what will be displayed at that
position. (Off, Speed, Temperature, Triplog, Voltage, Water Speed)
Default Sonar View Customized Sonar View
Select Readouts
(Advanced, Sonar View Only)
Select Readouts sets individual digital readouts on the Sonar View. This Advanced
feature allows you to select what data will be displayed in each of 5 fixed-position
data windows arranged around the left and bottom edges of the Sonar View screen,
or whether a particular window will be turned off, displaying nothing in that area;
you can access this menu choice only when in Advanced User Mode (see Setup Menu
Tab: User Mode.)
Data windows can display readouts from supported
accessories such as Temp/Speed. Each data window can
either be empty or contain one of the following:
- Speed (will be displayed if a Temp/Speed Accessory is
attached and the paddlewheel has moved at least once,
or if a GPS Receiver is connected)
- Temperature
- Triplog (will be displayed if a Temp/Speed Accessory is
attached and the paddlewheel has moved at least once,
or if a GPS Receiver is connected)
- Voltage
- Water Speed (will only be displayed if a Temp/Speed
Accessory is attached and the paddlewheel has moved
at least once). Water Speed is not available with a GPS
Select Readouts