BT-328 User Manual page 6 of 10
7. Usage
7.1 Connect BT-328 to your Bluetooth device
(1) Press the power button to turn on the BT-328.
(2) The Bluetooth device could be “a PDA with built-in Bluetooth”, “a PDA with Bluetooth
Compact Flash card”, or “a Notebook with Bluetooth device”…etc.
(3) Please refer to the user manual of your Bluetooth device and enable the it for connecting to
BT-328. Some Bluetooth device may need the Bluetooth passkey, the passkey is “0000“.
(4) Check the number of COM port used by the Bluetooth device.
(5) Run the suitable mapping/navigation software and select the correct COM port & Baud
rate: 38400.
Note: Most of the application software of Bluetooth device have an auto-detect feature, so
you don’t have to manually select the Baud rate.
7.2 Connect BT-328 to a “Windows Mobile Version 5 Pocket PC”
1. Tap on the Bluetooth button on
right lower corner.
2. Turn on your Bluetooth GPS
3. Check “Turn on Bluetooth”.