Garrett Metal Detectors None Radar Detector User Manual

(Standard Mode with elimination at
0) metals can be detected at 100%
capability. As the elimination control is
increased in either search mode, the
response to various targets decreases.
Note that the response to many metals
decreases more rapidly in Standard
mode than in Discrete mode.
As with Standard mode, the elimination
knob is used to change the detector's
ability to detect various types of metal;
poor conductors can be eliminated while
only slightly reducing the detection of
better conductors. Although Discrete
mode appears to achieve less detection
depth in air tests, its ability to eliminate
undesirable items precisely, without
affecting desirable items, enable it to
outperform Standard mode in certain
situations. For example, when the
elimination control is set to exclude pull
tabs, it excludes pull tabs with little or no
effect on the detection response to most
thin gold rings (Figure 2).