Item Description Item Description
1 SSA (EDS1) 5 SSD (EDS4)
2 SSB (EDS2) 6 SSE (MV1)
3 SSC (EDS3) 7 TCC (EDS6)
4 PCA (EDS5)
The hydraulic module contains one solenoid valve. The solenoid valve is activated by the TCM and is either open
or closed. It is used to switch the position valve.
There are six electronic pressure control valves, which convert an electronic current into a proportional hydraulic
pressure. They are energized by the TCM and actuate the valves belonging to the relevant switching elements.
The TCM monitors each pressure regulator and solenoid for open and short circuits. The TCM also checks that
the current being delivered to each solenoid or pressure regulator is within valid limits. If current exceeds
predetermined limits, the TCM sets a DTC, illuminates the MIL and enters the limp-home mode.
2005 Expedition/Navigator New Model Technician Training 02-SEP-04 3-55