Change Engine Oil
Road conditions as well as your kind of driving affect the
interval at which your oil should be changed. Check the
following to determine if any apply to you:
Day or night temperatures are below 32°F (0°C).
Stop and go driving.
Extensive engine idling.
Driving in dusty conditions
Short trips of less than 10 miles (16.2 km)
More than 50% of your driving is at sustained high
speeds during hot weather, above 90°F (32°C)
Trailer towing
Heavy Loading
Taxi, Police or delivery service (commercial service)
Off-road or desert operation
If equipped for and operating with E-85 (ethanol)
NOTE: If ANY of these apply to you then change your
engine oil every 3,000 miles (5 000 km) or 3 months,
whichever comes first and follow schedule “B” of the
ЉMaintenance SchedulesЉ section of this manual.
If none of these apply to you, then change your engine oil
at every interval shown on schedule ЉAЉ of the ЉMainte-
nance SchedulesЉ section of this manual.
NOTE: Under no circumstances should oil change in-
tervals exceed 6,000 miles (10 000 km) or 6 months
whichever comes first.