of the exhaust system abnormally contacts the under-
body hardware, the isolator and/or hanger should be
Cooling System
Cooling System Maintenance
At the intervals shown in the Maintenance Schedules
Section of the manual, the system should be drained,
flushed and filled.
Check engine coolant (antifreeze) protection every 12
months (before the onset of freezing weather, where
applicable). If coolant is dirty or rusty in appearance, the
system should be drained, flushed and refilled with fresh
coolant as specified.
Inspect the entire cooling system for leaks. Check the face
of the radiator for any accumulation of bugs, leaves, or
other foreign matter. If dirty, clean the radiator core with
a garden hose. With the engine OFF, gently spray water
from the back of the radiator core. Check coolant bottle
tube for condition and tightness of connections at coolant
bottle and radiator.
Extremely cold ambient temperature may require the
addition of a “winter front” for effective operation of the
cab heating/cooling system. Make certain that a percent-
age of the radiator is exposed for adequate air flow
through the charge air cooler and automatic transmission
oil cooler. The percentage of opening must be increased
with the increasing ambient air temperature and/or
engine load. If the cooling fan can be heard cycling
frequently, increase the size of the opening in the winter
Coolant bottle level check
The coolant reserve system provides a quick visual
method of determining that the coolant level is adequate.
With the engine idling, and warmed to the normal