Follow the recommended tire rotation frequency for your
type of driving found in the “Maintenance Schedules”
Section of this manual. More frequent rotation is permis-
sible if desired. The suggested rotation method is the
“forward-cross” shown in the diagram.
Autostick is a driver-interactive transaxle that offers
manual gear shifting capability to provide you with more
control. Autostick allows you to maximize engine brak-
ing, eliminate undesirable upshifts and downshifts, and
improve overall vehicle performance. This system can
also provide you with more control during passing, city
driving, cold slippery conditions, mountain driving,
trailer towing, and many other situations.
Autostick Operation
The Autostick position is just below the Overdrive posi-
tion and is identified by the word “AUTOSTICK”. When
you place the shift lever in the Autostick position, it can
be moved from side to side. Moving the lever to the left
(-) triggers a downshift and to the right (+) an upshift.
The gear position will be shown in the transmission gear