Outside Air Intake
When operating the system during the winter months,
make sure the air intake, directly in front of the wind-
shield, is free of ice, slush, snow or other obstructions
such as leaves. Leaves collected in the air-intake plenum
may reduce air flow and plug the plenum water drains.
The blower air will heat faster in cold weather if you use
only a low blower speed for the first few minutes of
vehicle operation.
During engine warm-up in cold weather, use the Defrost
mode to direct any cold air away from the occupants.
Air Conditioning — If Equipped
The Air Conditioning System allows you to balance the
temperature, amount, and direction of air circulating
throughout the vehicle.
The air conditioning system of your vehicle contains
R-134a, a refrigerant that does not deplete the ozone layer
in the upper atmosphere.
If your vehicle was not built with air conditioning,
The manufacturer does not recommend that you
install any non-factory A/C system. The design of
add-on air conditioning kits may be inadequate.
This may cause damage to your engine or other
components which will not be covered by your
The controls are as follows:
Fan and Air Conditioning Control
Use this control to regulate
the amount of air forced
through the system in any
mode you select. The fan
speeds to the left of the OFF
position are for Air Condi-
tioning. Choosing one of
these speeds turns on the air
conditioning compressor. The