Check the coolant reserve tank tube for condition and
tightness or connections at the reserve tank and radiator.
Check the coolant pressure cap and coolant reserve
system for proper vacuum sealing. With the engine at
normal operating temperature, note the level of the
coolant in the coolant reserve tank. Without removing the
pressure cap (with the engine off), drain a small amount
of coolant from the radiator draincock. If the coolant level
in the reserve tank drops, the system is sealing properly.
Coolant Level
The coolant reserve system provides a quick visual
method of determining that the coolant level is adequate.
With the engine idling, and warmed to the normal
operating temperature, the level of the coolant on the
overflow bottle should be between the fluid level marks.
Check the coolant level whenever the hood is raised.
The radiator normally remains completely full, so there is
no longer a need to remove the coolant pressure cap
except for checking coolant freeze point or replacement
with new antifreeze coolant.
Never add coolant to the radiator when the engine is
overheated. Do not loosen or remove pressure cap to
cool an overheated engine! The coolant is under
pressure and severe scalding could result.
Drain, Flush And Refill
At intervals shown on the Maintenance Schedules, the
system should be drained, flushed and refilled. Refer to
your dealer or consult a service manual for proper