quality filters should be used to assure most efficient
service. Mopar Engine Oil Filters are a high quality oil
filter and are recommended.
Drive Belts — Check Condition and Tension
At the mileage indicated in the maintenance schedule, all
belts should be checked for condition and proper tension.
Improper belt tension can cause belt slippage and failure.
Belts should be inspected for evidence of cuts, cracks, or
glazing, and replaced if there is indication of damage
which could result in belt failure. If adjustment is re-
quired, see your authorized dealer for service. Low
generator belt tension can cause battery failure. A special
tool is required to properly measure tension and to
restore belt tension to factory specifications.
Also check belt routing to make sure there is no interfer-
ence between the belts and other engine components.
Spark Plugs
Spark plugs must fire properly to assure proper engine
performance and emission control. The plugs installed in
your vehicle should operate satisfactorily in normal
service for the mileage indicated in the Maintenance
Chart. New plugs should be installed at this mileage. The
entire set should be replaced if there is any malfunction
due to a faulty spark plug. Check the Vehicle Emissions
Control Information label for the proper type of spark
plug for your vehicle.
When replacing plugs, do not overtighten. You could
damage them and cause them to leak.
Ignition Cables
Replace the ignition cables at the mileage interval shown
in the maintenance charts.
Engine Air Cleaner Filter
Under normal driving conditions, replace the air filter at
the intervals shown on Schedule “A”. If, however, you
drive the vehicle frequently under dusty or severe con-
ditions, the filter element should be inspected periodi-
cally and replaced if necessary at the intervals shown on
Schedule “B”.