Engine Coolant Disposal
Used ethylene glycol based engine coolant is a regulated
substance requiring proper disposal. Check with your
local authorities to determine the disposal rules for your
community. Do not store ethylene glycol based engine
coolant in open containers or allow it to remain in
puddles on the ground. Prevent ingestion by animals or
children. If ingested by a child, contact a physician
Selection Of Coolant
Use only the manufacturer’s recommended coolant. Re-
fer to the Recommended Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine
Parts section for the correct coolant type.
Mixing of coolants other than specific (non-HOAT),
may result in engine damage that may not be cov-
ered under the new vehicle warranty, and decreased
corrosion protection. If a non-HOAT coolant is intro-
duced into the cooling system in an emergency, it
should be replaced with the specified coolant as
soon as possible.
Do not use plain water alone or alcohol base anti-
freeze products. Do not use additional rust inhibi-
tors or antirust products, as they may not be compat-
ible with the radiator coolant and may plug the
This vehicle has not been designed for use with
Propylene Glycol based coolants. Use of Propylene
Glycol based coolants is not recommended.