Directed Electronics 881XP Automobile Alarm User Manual

© 2005 directed electronics—all rights reserved
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To enter programming mode
Press the Program button on the back of the remote or hold the four
remote control buttons on the front of the remote simultaneously until
one long beep is heard. Programming Mode has now been entered.
To exit programming mode
If no action is taken by the user within 5-seconds (button
pressed), programming mode will be exited.
Page notification (Beep or Vibrate)
Use to toggle selections between Beep mode or Vibrate
Illumination (On or Off)
Use to toggle selections between LCD backlight illumina-
tion On/Off.
Sensor icon selection (hood/trunk)
Use to toggle display selections between hood only (1 beep),
trunk only (2 beeps), or hood and trunk (3 beeps) on the LCD
display. The installer will have set the remote up to correctly
display the installation (hood pin only, trunk pin only, or hood
and trunk pin installed).