Page 3
any convienence store. Ni-Cad, Alkalines, Ni-MH and Li-Ion
cells may all be used. Wolf does require 4 AA cells with at
least 1500 mAh per cell. BVS supplies 2 battery sets (8 Ni-MH
battery cells total) to get users working right out of the box.
Ni-MH cells are recommended for best performance from your
Wolf. Batteries that are warm or hot to the touch (from con-
stant usage or warm ambient temperatures) will take longer
to charge than batteries of a normal temperature. Contact
BVS for new Ni-MH battery packs. Expect over 500 cycles
from each Ni-MH pack.
The included Compact Flash Backup Installer
card can be used to install the Wolf Data
Logger application when the iPAQ’s internal
battery has completely drained and a PC is
not handy. Simply insert this card into the
iPAQ sleeve that attaches to the Wolf receiver
and install the software using your iPAQ from
there. Always make sure batteries are fully
charged when doing any software installs.
See TROUBLESHOOTING section at the end of
this manual for battery charging and removal
iPAQ model 3955
(optional) inside
iPAQ cradle.
eight AA Ni-
MH batteries
iPAQ charging
iPAQ / Wolf charger
Wolf calibrated
Direction Finding
Antenna (optional)
Rayovac® Ni-MH fast
charger with AC adapter
and auto adapter
Wolf Compact
Flash Backup