a. To select another feature in that same column, repeat step 5 within the next 5 seconds (after 5 seconds, 3 chirps mean you are back to the
“Feature Select” position).
b. To select a different feature column, go to step 4.
c. To exit program mode, turn the ignition off (you’ll hear 3 chirps and the LED will turn off). If driving, just wait 60 seconds and the system
will automatically exit program mode.
If you make an error, just turn off the ignition and start again.
Table of User-Selectable Features
1 blank press 2 blank presses 3 blank presses 4 blank presses
1 ✱ press
Add a new remote control
Chirps: off/on
(1/2 chirps)
AutoArming: off/on
— Other vehicle‘s remote:
arm/disarm (1 then 2 chirps)
2 ✱ presses
Personalized Siren Sounds*
Lock upon AutoArming: off/on
— Other vehicle‘s remote:
trunk release* (2 chirps)
3 ✱ presses
Play Personalized Siren Sounds*:
trigger only/always (1/2 chirps)
Remote valet mode via
button combo
: off/on
AutoArming entry delay: off/on
— Other vehicle‘s remote:
silent arm and disarm (3 chirps)
4 ✱ presses
Siren duration: 30/60/90sec.
(1/2/3 chirps)
AutoStart*: both off/both on/temp
only/battery only (1/2/3/4 chirps)
FACT: off/on
— Other vehicle‘s remote:
remote engine starting* (4 chirps)
5 ✱ presses
AutoLock: off/on
6 ✱ presses
AutoUnLock: off/on
Clear all remotes
— Other vehicle‘s remote:
window rolldown/venting* (6 chirps)
7 ✱ presses
Reset all features (except remotes
and valet code) to factory settings
Set a new secret valet code
— Other vehicle‘s remote:
remote valet mode (7 chirps)
NOTE 1: Press the button of the new remote. You’ll hear one chirp. Press the button again. You’ll hear two
chirps to confirm that the new remote control has been added.
NOTE 2: This feature requires the optional Self-Powered SmartSiren 4. If so equipped, selection of this feature will
cause the systemto sound afew seconds ofsiren sound #1.Press the blankbutton to turnon this soundor the ✱ button
to turn it off. It will then sound a few seconds of sound #2. Repeat: blank=ON, ✱=OFF for each of the six sounds.
NOTE 3: You’ll hear two chirps to indicate all remotes have been cleared from memory. You must now add
new/existing remotes with the “Add new remote control” feature and/or the “Other vehicle‘s remote” feature.
NOTE 4: Immediately PRESS THE BLANKBUTTON, THEN enter your new code, wait forthe two chirps, then turn off the
ignition (you’ll hear 3 chirps to confirm program mode exit). You MUST now turn the ignition back on and then
re-enter your new code. If the LED flashes on, your new code has been accepted. If the LED does not light, the two
codes did not match and the system has reverted to your previous code.
NOTE 5:Lets you arm/disarm withthe remote controlof a G4 systemon your other vehicle(s).For instance, to setthe ✱
button of the other car’s remote to arm and disarm this system, select column 4, row 1, then press the ✱ button of the
other car’s remote (you’ll hear one chirp). Immediately press the ✱ button again (you will hear a 2-chirp
confirmation). The ✱ button of the other vehicle’s remote will now arm/disarm this system.
NOTE 6: The features in this column allow you to control your system with the remote control of a G4 system on your
other vehicle(s). Just select the function you wish, then press the unused button or button combination on the other
remote that you want to use to perform that function on this system (you will then hear a the chirps noted). NOTE: You
must first set a button or button combination on the other car’s remote that will arm/disarm the system (column 4, row
1) before these others will be accepted.
EXAMPLE: Turn on Lock upon AutoArming and turn off Remote Valet Mode and FACT:
In this example, we’ll change three different features in just one programming session: We’ll turn on the Lock upon AutoArming feature, turn off remote
controlled valet mode and turn off the FACT anti-falsing feature:
1. Enter program mode as previously noted (ignition on, enter your valet code, press and hold the ✱ button on the PlainView 2 switch until
you hear a chirp).
2. Since the Lock upon AutoArming feature is in column 3, row 2 of the Table, go to column 3 by pressing the blank button on the PlainView 2
switch three times. Wait for the 3-chirp/column 3 confirmation. Then press the ✱ button twice (you’ll hear a chirp each time you press the
✱ button). After a brief pause, you’ll hear 2 chirps to confirm that Lock upon AutoArming is now on.
3. Since FACT is also in column 3, there is no need to reselect column 3. Therefore, you can go straight to the row selection. Select row 4 by
pressing the ✱ button four times. After a brief pause, you’ll hear one chirp to confirm that FACT is now off.
4. You’ll note that the Remote valet mode feature is at column 2, row 3. To change to column 2, press the blank button twice, then wait for the
2-chirp/column 2 confirmation. Press the ✱ button three times to select row 3. After a brief pause, you’ll hear one chirp to confirm that the
Remote valet mode feature is now turned off.
5. To exit the program mode, turn the ignition off. You’ll hear 3 chirps to confirm program mode exit.