Release Notes for the Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3040 for FSC, Cisco IOS Release 12.2(35)SE
Updates to System Message Guide
• CSCsc29225
When you remove the bridge topology change trap with the no snmp-server enable traps bridge
topologychange configuration command, the stpx root-inconsistency trap is now active.
• CSCsd08314
When you remove a voice VLAN that has no per-VLAN configuration from a secure port, a
PORT_SECURITY-6-VLAN_REMOVED message no longer appears.
Note If an address was learned on a VLAN, the error message still appears when that VLAN is aged
out or removed. However, this does not affect switch functionality.
Updates to System Message Guide
This section contains updates to the system message guide.
Error Message DOT1X-5-SECURITY_VIOLATION: Security violation on the interface
[chars], new MAC address [enet] is seen.
A host on the specified interface is trying to access the network or to authenticate in a
host mode that does not support the number of hosts attached to the interface. This is a security
violation, and the port is put in the error-disabled state.
Recommended Action Ensure that the interface is configured to support the number of attached hosts.
Enter the shutdown interface configuration command and then the no shutdown interface
configuration command to restart the port.
Error Message DOT1X_SWITCH-5-ERR_VLAN_EQ_VVLAN: Data VLAN [dec] on port [chars]
cannot be equivalent to the Voice VLAN.
The IEEE 802.1x-assigned VLAN on a port cannot be the same as the voice VLAN.
[dec] is the data VLAN ID, and [chars] is the port.
Recommended Action Configure either a different voice VLAN or a different IEEE 802.1x-assigned
access VLAN on the interface. The authentication then proceeds normally on the next retry.
Error Message FRNTEND_CTRLR-1-MGR_TXQ_FULL: The front end controller Tx queue
reached watermark level
There are too many messages in the queue between the front-end controller and the
switch software.
Recommended Action Try reloading the switch. If this does not resolve the issue, this might be a
hardware problem. Contact the Cisco technical support representative.