Popular Option s
GM 50,000 PSI Medium duty dual rear wheel
165.5” & 195.5” Wheelbase
8.1L Gasoline (225 HP) or
6.6L Duramax diesel (210 HP)
Air Condition in g
Chrome yellow paint
Standard model trim
Gray vinyl h i g h b a c k drive r ’ s seat, manua l
5-Speed aut
omatic w/overdrive
40 Gallon fuel tank
Power brakes with 4 wheel antilock
Trip odome te r
Power steer i ng
School bus prep p
Black painted front bumper
Tinted g la s s
Drive shaft g u a r d s
Engine oil cooler
150 Am p altern a t o r
Intermittent wi
pers w/p u ls e washer
Daytime running l i g ht s
Engine hour meter
Under hood air c l e a n e r restr i c t i o n gauge
Standard Bo d y Equipment
All galvanized steel body
24” X 76” Double leaf entry door
Positive overlocking door control
Twelve inch entry step height
90” Interior width
74” Interior height
5/8” Plywood floor
Cove molding
Black rubber flooring with ribbed aisles
26” X 28.5” Split sash windows
Rubrails at seat and floor level
Color & function coded wiring harness
Four or eight light warning system
Clearance lights
Backup alarm
35” X 55” Rear emergency door
Three dome lights at each sidewall
Electric stop arm (optional)
Seven inch stop/tail lights
Seven inch turn signals
Four inch stop/tail lights
2-1/2” X 6” Backup lights (2)
Gray trim and seating material
FMVSS rearview and crossovers
Black wrap-around anti-ride rear bumper
All driver controls easily accessible
Full view one-piece transition glass
Lower window in emergency door
Headbumpers over doors
Fire block upholstery
Kickout windows
Roof escape hatch
Rear heater
Front and rear air conditioning
Safety equipment
White roof
Interior mirrors
AM/FM stereo radio w/CD player
PA system
Rubrails at window & skirt level
Colored rubber flooring
Popular Floor Pl a ns
Passenger capacity 10 to 42
Interior height at aisle 74”
Interior Width 90”
Entrance door width and height 24” X 76”
Entrance step from ground 12”
Emergency door width and height 35” x 55”
Overall height 115” (excluding roof hatch & strobe)
Overall width 96” (excluding mirrors & stop arm)
Overall length 288.5” (6/0), 316” (7/0), 343 (8/0)
Passenger compartment length 166.5” (6/0), 194” (7/0), 221.5 (8/0)
Due toongoing engineeringimprovements, MidBus reservesthe rightto makechanges withoutnotification.
Guide XL
C h e v r o l e t / G M C
Strobe lights
Electric monitors
Crossing control arms
Static roof vent
Vandal lock on emergency door
Dark tinted windows
24”, 26”, 30”, 34”, 37”, 39”, 45” seats
Front or rear lift
Freedman activity seats
Collins DuraStraint™ Child Restraint Seats
IMMI 3 Point latch seats w/Child Restraint Seats
505 East Jefferson St.
Bluffton, OH 45817
(877) 358-6055
FAX: (419)-358-2400
Mid Bus isa subsidiaryof Collins Industries
Dueto ongoingEngineering improvements
MidBus reservesthe rightto makechanges withoutnotification
33 Passenger,6/0 Body
30 Passenger- ChildRestraint, 20Passenger,6/0 Body
39 Passenger,7/0 Body
28 Passenger-Activity Seats,8/0 Body
42 Passenger,8/0 Body
36 Passenger- 1WC, 8/0 Body