Technical data
Technical data
Engine data
523i 525i/xi 530i/xi
Displacement cc 2497 2497 2996
Number of cylinders 666
Maximum power output kW/hp 130/175 160/215 190/255
at engine speed rpm 5800 6500 6600
Maximum torque Nm/lb ft 230/180 250/180 300/220
at engine speed rpm 3500-5000 2750-4250 2500-4000
540i 550i
Displacement cc 4000 4799
Number of cylinders 8 8
Maximum power output kW/hp 225/302 270/362
at engine speed rpm 6300 6300
Maximum torque Nm/lb ft 390/290 490/360
at engine speed rpm 3500 3400
520d 525d 530d/xd 535d
Displacement cc 1995 2497 2993 2993
Number of cylinders 4666
Maximum power output kW/hp 120/161 130/175 170/227 200/268
at engine speed rpm 4000 4000 4000 4000
Maximum torque Nm/lb ft 340/250 400/300 500/370 560/410
at engine speed rpm 2000-2750 2000-2750 1750-3000 2000
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG