Black & Decker BDH1220AV Automobile Accessories User Manual

Removing Dust Bowl and Filters
obtained with a clean filter and an empty dust bowl.
NOTICE: Empty dust bowl before it becomes
overfilled. If dust begins to fall back out of the
product after it is switched off, it is too full and
requires emptying.
dust bowl (3) away from the body of the auto vac.
out to empty the contents of the bowl.
NOTICE: Theautovachasapre-filterandan
inner filter. The filters should be separated to allow
better cleaning.
•To separate the filters, twistthepre-lter(10)in
a clockwise direction and lift away from the inner
lter(11)asshowninFigure E.
•Shake or lightly brush any loose dust off both filters.
inner filter.
inner filter and twist in a counterclockwise direction
as shown in Figure F.
ensure a secure fit. Placethedustbowlbackonto
the auto vac until it “clicks” firmly into position.
WARNING: It is very important that the filter is
correctly in position before use.
Cleaning the Dust Bowls and Filters
Wash the filters regularly. The cleaner the filter is, the better the product will
• Removethedustbowlandfilterasdescribedin“RemovingDustBowlandFilters.”
• Thedustbowlandlterscanbewashedinwarmsoapywater.
Allow to dry before placing back into the auto vac.
•Oncecleananddry,placefilters back into the bowl pressing firmly to ensure a secure
fit. Placethedustbowlbackontotheautovacuntilit“clicks”firmlyintoposition.
Replacing Filters
Theltersshouldbereplacedevery6to9monthsdepending on frequency of use, or
available from your Black & Decker dealer.
Visit to locate dealers.
• Removetheoldfiltersasdescribedabove.
• Fitthenewfiltersasdescribedabove.