Altina GPS 9540 GPS Receiver User Manual

NMEA 0183 V2.2 Protocol
Use RS-232 interface 4800 bps, 8 bit data, 1 stop bit and no parity.
5.1. NMEA Output Message
Table 5-1 NMEA-0183 Output Messages
NMEA Record Description
GPGGA Global positioning system fixed data
GPGLL Geographic position: latitude/longitude
GPGSA GNSS DOP and active satellites
GPGSV GNSS satellites in view
GPRMC Recommended minimum specific GNSS data
GPVTG Course over ground and ground speed
5.2. Global Positioning System Fix Data (GGA)
Table 5-2 contains the values for the following example
$GPGGA,161229.487,3723.2475,N,12158.3416,W,1,07,1.0,9.0,M, , , ,0000*18
Table 5-2 GGA Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGGA GGA protocol header
UTC Time 161229.487 hhmmss.sss
Latitude 3723.2475 ddmm.mmmm
N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south
Longitude 12158.3416 dddmm.mmmm
E/W Indicator W E=east or W=west
Position Fix Indicator 1 See Table 5-3
Satellites Used 07 Range 0 to 12
HDOP 1.0 Horizontal Dilution of Precision
MSL Altitude 9.0 Meters