
Now we’ll look at paper. Your SR-lo/15 can handle single
sheets - standard-size stationery, multi-part carbonless business
forms, or almost any other kind of cut sheet. You can also print
on “computer paper” with the holes along the sides, which is
also called sprocket, punched, or perforated fan-fold. The loading
procedures are quite different for single sheet and sprocket paper.
We’ll try to keep it short and sweet, but without sacrificing clarity
and preciseness in our explanations.
H Loading single sheets
Start with the proper paper. Paper width must be between 5%
and 8 ‘/z inches (5 l/z and 14 % inches for the SR- 15) and paper
thickness between .07 mm and .lOmm (16 pound to 24 pound
bond falls in this range). Loading is done automatically and
instantly by pushing the Feed button. Here’s the correct sequence.
1. Attach the single sheet guide to the printer (Figure 2-4).
2. To set the margin, use the little metal guide (shown in
Figure 2-5) in one of its 3 positions.
3. Put the release lever in the “set” position. This step is
very important for proper sheet alignment.
4. Putting the left edge of the sheet against the metal guide,
insert a sheet into the paper chute until the bottom edge
of the paper touches the paper stopper. (The set position
of the release lever permits you to get the paper in straight.)
5. Now, push the release lever away from you to the
“friction” position. This grips the paper securely for
proper feeding.
6. Make sure that the bail is resting against the platen (you
should push the bail lever away from the front of the
printer). SR-lo/15 will automatically lift it out of the
way at the proper time!
7. With the power on, press the Feed button, and the paper
automatically moves around the platen to the correct
position to start printing, just one inch from the top edge
of the sheet!
Note: If you’d like to start the first line of printing lower
down on the sheet, as for letter correspondence for example,
just press the Pause, then the LF (line feed) button to move
the paper to the desired starting point. Hold down the LF
button for multiple line feeds.