
Top of form
When you power on the printer, the top-of-form position isautomatically set
to the current position. If this is not where you want thetop of thepage to be,
you can change the top-of-form position as follows:
1. Press the ON LINE) button to set the printer off-line.
2. Press and hold down the (ON LINE) button.
3. Whi)eholdingthe(ON LINE)buttondown, press the@~H>button, then
release both buttons at the same time. The printer will beep to indicate
that the top-of-form position has been set.
Forward micro-feed
For fine alignment, you can feed the paper forward in very small increments
as follows:
1. Press the (ON LINE) button to set the printer off-line.
2. Press the (ON LINE] button again and hold it down.
3. While holding the (ON LINE)button down, press the (PAPER FEEO
button. The paper will start advancing in a series of small steps
When you want to stop, release both buttons.
Reverse micro-feed
You can also feed the paper in small increments in reverse, to return to a
higher position on the same page.
1. Press the (ONLINE) button to set the printer off-line.
2. Press the (ON LINE) button again and hold it down.
3. While holding the (O~E) button down, press the (SET/EJECT)
button. The paper will start moving backwards in a series of small steps.
When you want to stop, release both buttons.
Changing the auto loading position
Normally, the printer automatically loads the paper one line from the top
edge. If you want to change this value, follow this procedure:
1. Load the paper by pressing the @ET/EJECT)button.
2. Change the print position using the micro feed function.
3. After you setup the desired position, press the (ONLINE) button to save
the value.