
This equipmen[ htiskcn tes[edand found to wrmpl} with the limits to!-aClass B digital de~ice. prrrsuanl
to Part 15of FCC’ Rules. These limits art designed to prok ide reasomihle pmtec(iun against harmful
interference in a residenti:il installirtiun This equipment generates.usesandcan radiate radio frequency
energy.:md. it’nu[ installed and usedin accordance wilh [he inmwctions. may’causeharmt’ul in[ert’erence
to radiu cummunic~tions. Howc\er, there is m) guarantee thfit in[erfererrce will not occur in a paflicrrl~ir
install ~tion, It’[his equipment doescauseharmtul inlert’erence to mciiu or television reception, which can
bedeterrnineciby turning the equipment off andun, the useris encouraged totry to correct the irmrference
b> une or more nf the fulluwing measures:
. Rculiem or relocate the receiving antenna.
. Increase the separation between the equipment :ind receiver.
. Cunnect [he equipment intu an nuclei nn a circuit different Imm tho[ to which the recciier is
. (’unsult the dealer or ~inexperienced radiWTV technician for help.
Unarrthorized rnodilica[iuns of this product b> the userwill w)id his arnhoritj to upmrtc the equipment
unles expresslj ~ppm~ed b) [he party responsible for cmnpliunce.
Fur compliance with the Federal Noise Interference Stirndirt-d,[his equipmem requiws a shielded cable.
T’hcc)h(:)c>t(ilcr))ct!r(Ipplic} (JIII) I(J
p)iflrc).i t)ld)kctcd if] //1<, [! S..4.
The CanadianDepartmentof Communications
This digital zipparatrrsdoesnot exceedthe Class B limits t’or radiu rrnisccmissium from digital appar’ams
setout in the Radic Inkrferencc ReSrrlations of the Canadian Department of Cotnll?Llnic~tiorls.”
Le present~ppweil numdrique r]’hen pasde bruits radiuilectriques Wpassdnl IesIimites applicahles acrx
appareils nrrmdriques de la classeB prcscrites dam le R?glement sur Ie bmcrilktge radioglecrrique &iict@
par Ie minis$re des C()!llrllutlic:iti()ns du Can~da.
.>furetlrclrr U171111C$(1111) I(I pfitIrc.s r71dILcrcd itl (’df!udd.
Trademark Acknowledgements
NX-2415II, NX-2415, NB24-15,IS-8XL, SE’-15DJ,PT-15XJ:
Star Micronics Co., Ltd.
IBM-PC, PS/2,PC-AT, ProprinterXL241?/XL24,PC-DOS: lntern~timutl Business Machines Corp.
MS-DOS,NlicrusoftBASIC:Micrnsott Curporatior
LQ-106O, LQ-1050: Seiko Epson Corp.
All rights reser~ed. Rcpmdrrction nt’ any part of this manutil in any form whatsoever withorr(
STAR’S express pennissinn is furbidden.
The comems uf this manual are sub,jcctto change withmrt nutice.
All efforts have beenmadetu ensuretheaccurac>uf’the contentsofthis manual atthetime ofpress.
However. shuuld an>,errors bedetected. STAR w(mld yeatlj iipprecitite king inf’umml ui’them
The above r)c)t~$ithst:illditlg, STAR can assumeno responsibility for an) errors in this manual.
O Copyright 1993 Star Micronics Co.. Ltd.