
Rev. 0.00
Bit Contents Status By model
“0” “1”
7 Fixed at “0” - -
6 ETB Counter Bit-4
5 ETB Counter Bit-3
4 Fixed at “0” - -
3 ETB Counter Bit-2
2 ETB Counter Bit-1
1 ETB Counter Bit-0
0 Fixed at “0” - -
(*) ETB Counter
This counter is the 5 bit ETB counter.
(It counts from 0 to 31.When ther counter overflows, it counts up from 31 to 0.))
The ETB counter is initialized by the following commands. When doing so, ASB ETB status is cleared.
However, when initializing the ETB counter, ASB is not transmitted.
•<ESC><RS>En :ETBCounterInitialization
•<CAN> :Cancelprintdataandinitializecommands
Bit Contents Status By model
“0” “1”
7 Fixed at “0” - -
6 Not Used (Fixed at “0”) - ×
5 Not Used (Fixed at “0”) - ×
4 Fixed at “0” - -
3 Presenter Paper Position ×
2 Presenter Paper Position ×
1 Presenter Paper Position ×
0 Fixed at “0” - -
Do not use ENQ, EOT, ESC, ACK and SOH when automatic status is valid.Invalidate the automatic status in advance
using the DIPSW (memory switch) or the ESC RS a n command to query these.
(5) Status identification method
Command/Functions Status
bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
XON 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
XOFF 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
ENQ * * * 0 * * * *
EOT * * * 1 * * * 0
ASB (Header -1) 0 * * 0 * * * 1
ASB (Other than Header -1) 0 * * 0 * * * 0
0 = fixed at “0” bits/1 = fixed at “1” bits/* = variable bits.